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Turboflash Combustion Technology

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The straight-forward operation of this system is as follows: PC and Callidus software fully supervise all operations and in 60 seconds automatically enters sample weights from the balance, downloads pre-set parameters, activates the AutoSampler, controls the entire combustion process, acquires and handles data from a sample sequence, and reports results in one of several report forms.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Acid Purification Apparatus, Analytical Instruments, Aracus Amino Acid Analyzer, Digital Documentation System, Digital Lab Refractometers, Dual Channel Automated Flash Chromatography System, Fast And Efficient Separation, H. . P. T. L. C Densitometer C. D, Hardik, Minitoc And Unitoc, Powervap Concentrator, Pressurized Liquid Extraction, Products, Prospekt Polarimeter, Protein Analyser, Sample Preparation Unit, Semi Micro Osmometer, Smartline H. P. L. C, Speedwave Four, Speedwave Two, T. L. C Catalogue, Thermal Constants Analyser, Turboflash Combustion Technology, Ultra Pure Water System, Vapor Pressure Osmometer